Trust Name Space — The New Level of Web 3.0

Created: 19-08-2024

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Today, internet users are forced to maintain multiple accounts on various platforms, using numerous logins and passwords, and sharing their personal data with many third parties. With each additional third-party user of personal data, the risk of data leakage grows exponentially, along with the risk that the individual may fall victim to internet fraud or that their acquaintances may become victims of fake information created using stolen data. A person’s online identity and status on the internet are increasingly blurred. It is enough to leave your personal data on a few different platforms to face a significant probability of a data breach over a few years due to a hacking attack on any of them. The compromise of personal data or, worse, the loss of access to your accounts, which may be seized by fraudsters, is particularly dangerous for people whose online identity and status on the internet are the foundation of their well-being and source of income.

Digital platforms are responding to the rise in fraud and cyber threats by tightening security and compliance requirements, including AML/KYC procedures on platforms that handle various transactions or provide financial services. They demand more and more personal data from individuals, with a presumption of guilt by default. If a person is compromised, they may end up on blacklists and will be forced to prove the authenticity of their data and their integrity even to platforms and services they have never used before. This problem is particularly acute when using financial services, where compliance procedures are the most stringent.

The issue of the authenticity of online identity has another important aspect. In addition to fake accounts of real users, bot accounts managed by AI are proliferating. These bots are used to inflate comments, reviews of products and services, and various ratings. There is no way to distinguish genuine human reactions from bot reactions, just as there is no way to assess the real authority of different people. A "like" or review from a professor is equal to a "like" or review from a student, a chat bot, or a fraudster. And any participant in a conversation can be arbitrarily banned by the platform's censors or security service.

The problems listed hinder the development of the internet as a medium for communication and e-commerce, cluttering it with information waste and turning it into a space for risky transactions and social connections. Increasing efforts in cybersecurity and content filtering are required, the costs of which may one day exceed the benefits of digitalization for real living people. In the long term, this will lead to the displacement of real human communication from the internet, which will be replaced by communication between AI agents.

TNS is an over-platform name space designed to protect the online identity of all participants in internet communications through transparent mechanisms of ownership of a network name, around which its owner forms their online identity and to which they attach their personal data and network resources. The name owner decides for themselves to whom and to what extent to provide their data, and which network resources to associate with their name.

A TNS name is technically an NFT on the Ethereum network and is protected by the blockchain from theft and compromise. It can only be lost if its owner loses the private key to access it. To minimize the risks of fraud and key loss during transactions, a SecondWallet is created for everyday use and signing messages on behalf of the owner, which is used for cryptographic signing. If the private key is leaked, it can be replaced with a new SecondWallet.

TNS is the only Web 3.0 solution today with an organic potential to break through the network barrier, capable of creating a de facto global standard of reputation environment.

The main mechanism for breaking through the network barrier is the architecture-based organization of the name space in the form of a social graph, on which a referral MLM reward system for name owners is overlaid. This is the marketing aspect of using the social graph.

The technological aspect of using the social graph is to provide basic information for assessing the authenticity of an online identity and the reputation of its owner. The social graph built around a name confirms the reality of the name's user, much like in the real world, where people who personally know someone can vouch for their identity to a third party. The unique reputation assessment algorithm behind each online identity name is called Proof Of Involvement. This ensures the best practical solution to the blockchain trilemma of "speed-reliability-distribution."

There are many practical aspects of using the social graph: creating various rating systems, SocialFi platforms, collective DeFi solutions, including those involving MLM, based on its analysis. In this context, the TNS social graph can be considered the first MLMaaS solution in Web 3.0.

The TNS architecture is open. It allows the creation of an open reputation environment for many applied SocialFi and DeFi projects, as well as their independent rating systems and AML/KYC systems based on freely provided personal data by the users themselves. In this environment, responsible communication among users interested in building a reputation on the name from which communication takes place will be possible, with the ability to assess how a particular action of a network subject affects reputation. It will be possible to promote content, goods, and services through genuine reputation and authority, not just through advertising budgets spent on creating the illusion of network hype.

In the TNS space, the risks of theft and compromise of reputation through the theft of personal data and access to accounts will be minimized, thereby minimizing or even completely suppressing economic cybercrime. The quality of goods and services will continually improve thanks to competition based on maintaining and developing reputation, whereas currently, the battle for attention on the internet is mainly won by advertising budgets spent on manipulative technologies.

A genuine reputation space is essential for the implementation of the ESG agenda (Environmental, Social, and Governance). In this context, the TNS project itself can be considered an ESG project, creating an environment that positively influences the sustainability and quality of goods and services.

A particular class of applications that require TNS are asset tokenization applications. Asset tokenization is essentially the creation of corresponding digital objects. But before creating an internet of digital objects, a standard for subjectivity and corresponding rules and algorithms for transferring digital assets and associated rights between subjects must be established, along with proof of the legitimate origin of assets and capital, and protection against illegal activities. Almost all existing tokenization systems today are centralized tokenization platforms and carry all the disadvantages of such platforms. TNS can be used as a fully decentralized and independent space for tokenization, where tokens will be backed by reputation and the genuine global online identity of the system's participants.

To ensure high transaction efficiency in the TNS name space, the L2 blockchain TrueConnect is being created.

TrueConnect is the world's first public blockchain on the industrial HyperLedger Fabric (HLF) technology, created by a consortium led by IBM of leading global IT players and large corporations (Huawei, Microsoft, Citi, Visa, Walmart, and others). Thus, TNS is the first Web 3.0 project that, through its ecosystem, will provide many people with access to one of the most reliable and productive industrial blockchain solutions used by corporations today. HLF processes more than 3,000 transactions per second (approximately 150 times more efficient than Ethereum). As the project develops, it is possible to reach speeds of 2,000,000 transactions per second, and Proof Of Involvement ensures the best distribution. This is the basis of TNS's impeccable technological reputation.

Thanks to its solutions and HLF, TNS can serve more than 5 billion entities, making the project a potential leader in the entire crypto industry, forming in the TNS space an economy comparable in the future to the entire existing "analog" economy, gradually moving social communications and economic interactions into its space.

To serve the name economy and the economy that will form around names, the utility token TRUE is integrated into TNS, circulating on the TrueConnect blockchain. Its main purpose is to serve as a payment tool for new names and to distribute rewards from their sale across the social graphs of existing name owners. Like any token, it can be used as a medium of exchange for any other purpose. In the initial phase of the project, the token is used as a funding tool for the project team.

As the economy in TNS grows and the number of transactions in TrueConnect increases, the demand for the token and its value will grow. Considering the growth prospects, one can be confident that after the project's breakthrough of the network barrier, the project's token will stand alongside BTC and ETH as a major medium of exchange in the crypto world, gaining corresponding valuation and capitalization.

It is expected that the project will form 2 billion active entities within 5 years. Over this time horizon, more than $100 million is planned to be invested in developing the basic technology and key TNS services. The subsequent capitalization of these investments is estimated at more than $500 billion. The high virality and fundamental nature of the TNS project practically guarantee reaching Ethereum's current market capitalization level or more than $300 billion, with a total supply of 50 million TRUE tokens. The token price could exceed $6,000. Considering the 10% token burn from the value of each sold name, the price of TRUE could surpass $10,000.

This figure is easier to believe if you notice that the global advertising market alone this year is already around $1 trillion, with 90% of buyers reading reviews from other buyers and 80% turning to friends and relatives. Advertising itself is not a source of trust and choice of product or service on the internet; to make a choice, access to reputation is necessary. TNS allows genuine reputation to be formed and provides access to it, thereby gaining value for consumers and suppliers, achieving capitalization that can easily be comparable to the annual volume of the global advertising market. And this is just one aspect of TNS's value. Another can be mentioned as cybersecurity. TNS is a space where effective protection against fraud, spam, and other unwanted network activities is possible, a project providing a systematic response to the explosive growth of fakes on the internet. The TNS reputation environment will also contribute to reducing the supply of low-quality goods and services, allowing businesses to better follow ESG criteria.

Summarizing, TNS can be viewed as a global project aimed at improving online life by transferring the best practices of the "analog world" into an open architecture of network standards and mechanisms, allowing for the creation of a true subject of network interaction. This will raise and maintain the quality and culture of online life at a new level, potentially clearing the internet of digital waste, spam, bots, and unethical practices. TNS creates a space where businesses can easily align with and confirm their adherence to ESG criteria, build long-term trust relationships, and focus on enhancing the quality of goods and services. It will also allow outsourcing of AML/KYC procedures and make use of numerous independent rating systems to evaluate clients and counterparties. For regular internet users, the TNS space will encourage the improvement of communication quality and culture for the sake of enhancing their reputation, which they will fully own, independent of third-party or digital platform control. This reputation cannot be stolen or banned, and users can monetize it, turning their social network capital into financial capital.

All of this will eventually pave the way for a full-fledged Internet of Things, whose existence is impossible without a comprehensive network subject. This will allow the creation of a global digital economy that is friendly to the familiar "analog" world.

#web3 #MLM #blockchain #TrueConnect