How TNS Identifies You Without Biometrics, Creates Trust, and a Network Culture

Created: 28-05-2024

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How do we confirm our identity in real life? With official documents. We are asked to present them when we perform legally significant actions. Typically, these documents contain minimal private information and our photo, which can be matched with our face to ensure that we are indeed ourselves.

As the digital sphere evolves, so does digital identification. Digital identification systems demand biometrics from us so that we can be recognized. They require more and more private data to verify that we are truly ourselves. The further this goes, the less effective it becomes due to the growth of cyber threats.

Facial images and voice samples can be relatively easily obtained through simple fraudulent actions. Private data can be stolen from your gadgets as well as from digital platform servers. Once hackers gain access to your private data, they can easily create your digital clone, indistinguishable from you even to your acquaintances. It can be so realistic that your friends will mistake it for you when chatting in a messenger. What can we say about bank chatbots, which will automatically execute a payment order given by such a clone using your voice sample?