How TNS Identifies You Without Biometrics, Creates Trust, and a Network Culture

Created: 28-05-2024

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How do we confirm our identity in real life? With official documents. We are asked to present them when we perform legally significant actions. Typically, these documents contain minimal private information and our photo, which can be matched with our face to ensure that we are indeed ourselves.

As the digital sphere evolves, so does digital identification. Digital identification systems demand biometrics from us so that we can be recognized. They require more and more private data to verify that we are truly ourselves. The further this goes, the less effective it becomes due to the growth of cyber threats.

Facial images and voice samples can be relatively easily obtained through simple fraudulent actions. Private data can be stolen from your gadgets as well as from digital platform servers. Once hackers gain access to your private data, they can easily create your digital clone, indistinguishable from you even to your acquaintances. It can be so realistic that your friends will mistake it for you when chatting in a messenger. What can we say about bank chatbots, which will automatically execute a payment order given by such a clone using your voice sample?

AI gives fraudsters ever more opportunities. The complexity of protection systems grows in the cybercriminals vs. cybersecurity race. They become more resource-intensive and demanding in terms of the quality and quantity of personal data. This digital arms race can go on forever, without improving the quality of digital life.

TNS offers a simple solution.

How do we confirm our identity in real life if we lose official documents? We invite witnesses who can vouch for our identity and provide evidence of resources we use.

The TNS social graph plays this role in the digital world. Your social graph is your "digital witnesses." Your TNS-associated personal digital resources, such as social media pages, are your "digital face." And your witnesses, whom you brought into the TNS ecosystem, will always confirm that your digital face indeed belongs to you.

Can your "digital face" be stolen by hacking your online resources? Yes. But your TNS-created community will never be stolen, and it will always confirm that your new face is yours and your TNS name still belongs to you. This makes your TNS name a digital asset.

Like in real life, you can change your name. Buy a new one, leave the old one. Or even transfer the old one to someone else. But unlike real life, these transactions will be visible on the TNS blockchain. No one will deceive you. And you won't deceive anyone. If you want to live a digital life free from fraud and deception, you should welcome this.

Your name belongs to you. Your community, your social graph, belongs to your TNS name. The more extensive it is, and the more real users with names in it, the more "digital witnesses" you have. This is the foundation of the digital reputation of your TNS name and, consequently, your own.

Reputation is valuable. Therefore, the TNS name becomes an objective value, becoming a digital asset. Essentially, it becomes your personal brand. And you can capitalize on it. If you provide services under this name, you can even lease it or sell it.

There is nothing extraordinary about trading names. Often, a talented author first earns a reputation and then forms a creative team that works under their name, ensuring the quality of work. This is common among writers and designers. Programming teams and others offering various services can work similarly.

TNS ensures that the name always stays with its creator, and the reputation always stays with the name. No one can impersonate you using your reputation unless you want them to.

The Proof Of Involvement algorithm assesses how naturally your social graph has formed. It evaluates how reputable your "digital witnesses" are to validate your reputation. This significantly limits the ability to create a team of network bots under any TNS name, as forming such a team would be very costly. Each bot would need a reputation to be convincing. But if someone can create a reputation for an entire bot community, wouldn't it be simpler to build a reputation for themselves?

This way, TNS will cleanse the internet of bot farms that distort the real significance of network content. Imagine an internet without "boosts," where you no longer need to spend a fortune on "promoting" content using dishonest practices to attract attention. Where quality and reputation are not tainted by network noise? This is the Internet, which creates TNS in Web3.

Imagine how many talented people will easily find their customers, consumers of their services and content. How the digital commerce market will grow and how high-quality it will become. How costs will be reduced when greedy digital platforms, bots with fake reviews, and other attention-grabbing industry tools are removed from the value creation chains.

Imagine? This is the future that TNS is leading towards, where the TNS ecosystem will grow, and the TRUE token will function as money.

And if you have a rich imagination, it will paint a picture of what the TRUE token price will be in the new digital world, where it will be the first and therefore the basic means of payment, similar to how BTC and ETH have become. If ETH is considered BTC2.0, then one day TRUE will be BTC3.0.

Just as money in the physical world evolved from gold through paper to digital, money in the digital world also evolves: from "digital gold" (BTC) through "digital paper" on which you can write smart contracts (ETH), to the next stage of evolution. To TRUE, which will become the digital expression of trust.

"Credo" in Latin means "I believe." The word "credit" comes from this word, which is impossible without trust. Credit money is impossible without a reputation institution. TNS creates a reputation institution in Web3. And this is just the beginning, followed by the transfer of all high cultural practices from the physical world to the digital world. At the same time, TNS will hinder the transfer of unscrupulous practices to the digital world. Thus, TNS will make both digital and ordinary life cleaner. And this is how a functioning digital economy understandable to the average person can be created.

TNS won't require you to change your communication and consumption culture, increasingly resembling a robot, which digital monopoly platforms increasingly push us towards. On the contrary, TNS allows you to bring your culture into digital life, making digital life more human. This way, TNS will preserve people's cultural capital from depersonalization in the digital era.

Let's make the internet more human together with TNS! All together!

#tns #trust #culture #reputation